CRM software perfomance
CRM software perfomanceExciting news. BluWave software have partnered with CipherWave to host our BluWave web services to provide you the customer with more secure and reliable “always on” user experience.

CipherWave is an independent service provider with its own 'Up to the Minute’ Cloud Data Centre situated in Midrand, Johannesburg.

The company’s high-tech tier 3+ data vault prevents even the most minimal disruption to SMME’s and corporate businesses in the event of server failures. CipherWave offers customers the very best in cloud infrastructure, boasting a fully-fledged Virtual Environment, scalable servers, Backup and Disaster Recovery Services, Infrastructure as a Service amongst the products in their portfolio.

In addition to this, CipherWave has an established national Fibre Network across the country, reaching across Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth, along with reliable internet solutions via wireless, satellite and high speed fibre optic broadband connectivity at the lowest contention ratios.

CipherWave is locally hosted in the Midrand Tier 3+ Data Centre, CipherWave Private Cloud stores your data in-country, protecting your business critical data and application data from international data sovereignty laws.

The Midrand, Teraco Isando, Durban and Cape Town state-of-the-art Data Centres form the hub of their operations. From these core centres they provide super, high-end Hosting and Co-location services allowing for comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solutions and Business Continuity and improved redundancy levels.

We are very excited about this migration to CipherWave and hope that this partnership provides our customers with a much improved level of service and better BluWave CRM experience. The migration will take place over the last weekend in February.

For more information contact us or view Cipherwave's webpage 

BluWave Software

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